Monday 1 August 2011



20TH – 31st July 2011.
Lawn Hill NP

Lawn Hill NP was only about 90km from Gregory Downs – where we last left you. But 90km on a dirt track way out here takes a lot longer than zipping down the freeway for 90km. Bulldust, creeks the odd heard of cattle grazing in the middle of the road, road trains oh yes and crazy emu’s darting in front of our vehicle.

Lawn Hill NP is a spectacular place and was high on our to do list for this holiday, we had heard and read so much about it and were so excited when we arrived. The excitement is like waiting for Santa to come, the build up nearly drives you insane and then when you get there after all these KM’s  you just can’t believe you are finally there. Whilst exploring Lawn Hill we camped at a place called Adels Grove. A beautiful camp beside a river under all these really old trees, so very, very cool in the shade, but no good for Solar Panel use.
Lawn Hill NP - girl power
Lawn Hill NP

Lawn Hill is known for it's Gorges, and one of the ways to explore them was to paddle a canoe. So off us Smith's set in our two hired canoes. What a way to see this place! I will let the photos do the talking.

I have to say that this post will not contain many words and mainly pictures. The places that we have been to and seen in the last 10 days have just been awesome, breathtaking and my words would not do them justice. (yep believe it or not i have been lost for words on more than one occasion this holiday)
The best way I feel that I can share these places with you are through my photos. I hope you enjoy.
Lawn Hill NP
Never smile at a Crocodile

After Lawn Hill we headed south, passing through Camooweal (groovy name for a town!) and hitting The Northern Territory. Now how excited were we! They even have a special place to pull over so you can take a picture on the boarder between QLD and NT.

Let me tell you some interesting facts about the NT.....

Maximum speed on the highway is 130km/hr
The highway is dead straight
You can see nothing for miles and miles. ( I am loving seeing nothing - I love nothing from my window)
Every passing vehicle waves to you
The ground is rock hard. Normally the density of the soil would not worry us, but when we need to bang 7 pegs in to set up our camper you begin to appreciate how hard the ground is.

our camp at The Devils Marbles
We had been here two minutes and I heard Ben and Matty yell out from this rock - heart failure!!!
Heading further south we stocked up at Tenant Creek. Now there's an interesting town for you! Can I just say is was a very brief stop. I will fill you in on the details another day. But needless to say we managed to leave the town with all our possessions and vehicle intact and set off to The Devils Marbles.

The Devils Marbles was unreal. We ended up staying two nights and exploring the area. The kids loved climbing all over the big boulders, it was every little boys dream come true to clamber all over the rocks. We camped with some great people and shared a rather late night around a rather large campfire with them all. The sunrise and sunset were spectacular. BUT I have to say that the most memorable thing for me at The Devils Marbles was.....The massive rental camper van that pulled in next to us one afternoon whilst I was preparing dinner, out hopped the two kids and the dad, then not long after out hopped mum, all decked out in her finery, hair coiffed, face on, wearing her Sunday best and something that I will never forget.......topping her outfit off with a fabulous pair of RED STILETTO'S - yes you read it correct. I was by myself at our camp and had no one to share this moment with and had to take myself inside my camper trailer and peek out through one of the windows to get a better look to actually confirm what I was seeing. Too funny! the lady didn't let me down the next morning when she stepped out in the very same pair of RED STILETTO'S. Love it!
Woo Hooo on top of the world - Devils Marbles
I always knew Geoff was STRONG

Spending only one night in Alice Springs as a stop over, we would have loved to spend some more time there but were keen to get out into to the wilderness and see the West McDonnell Ranges.
We stayed at and walked so many spectacular Gorges, camps, waterholes and experienced the Dessert in the Northern Territory. Like I said my words cannot describe what we have seen and done.

Enjoy the photos.

Only three weeks until we come home.....very sad.

Also may I just also say that not long after I was bragging about the 48% humidity in the Gulf, we experienced a chilly -4 degrees in Alice Springs overnight when we were there. So I eat my words. The days are still gorgeous blue bird days and we are still managing to keep our bones warm in the Northern Territory sun.
A Simpson at Simpson's Gap woo hoo (I was a Simpson's before I became a Smith)
Ellery Big Hole - West McDonnell Ranges NT

Ormiston Gorge - West McDonnell Ranges NT

Ormiston Gorge - West McDonnell Ranges NT
We are off to Palm Valley and then Uluru next.....can't wait

1 comment:

  1. Is that your family? Your children are so lucky to be a part of your family. Your blog is so great! Your family seems really bonded and your photos are amazing! I will follow you for i want to read some more from you. Cheers.
