Wednesday 4 May 2011

Dunn's Swamp Wollemi National Park

Dunn's Swamp - No sign of Shrek here

Three Wise Monkey's in a cave Dunn's Swamp

Sunday 1st May 2011..... A date we thought would never arrive. Much planning, preparation, thought, packing (un-packing) and talking has gone into this trip for us Smith's.
12:07pm departure time from "Leigh Park" . Right on time!!!! Camper trailer in tow, two big and three small Smith's on board. Dunn's Swamp here we come! A nice smooth, incident free trip, it felt like we were just popping out west for a weekend away, when in fact we are away for a whole 4months (who does that?) we still can't believe that this trip is finally happening.

A nice camp in the bush with a campfire (and a pit toilet - it's just like an en suite site) We have decided that Dunn's Swamp should not only be known for it's 3km of pristine weir. But also known for it's rocks. Really big rocks. Actually they are more like boulders. Complete with fantastic caves, hiding places and great views. Scribbly Gums as far as the eye can see and who needs TV when you can sit around the campfire toasting yet another marshmallow (yep too many of the warm sticky things stuck onto the end of a stick can make you feel quite unwell) and watch 'Possum TV'  This place is full plenty of wildlife who all like to party after dark, we sat around the campfire and shone the torch on about 10 possums running around playing and fighting in the dark. Who needs a television to keep you amused? Possum's also like the taste of plastic, Geoff disturbed one attempting to break into our fridge by way of gnawing through the plastic in the middle of the night. (thankfully it didn't get too far)

We've had some yummy meals...Roast Chook in the camp oven, cheese and tomato cruskits, leaf tea in the billy, stir fry and bacon and egg sandwiches. ( Jamie Oliver eat your heart out). And to top off the meal to end all meals we dined on a fine feast of Yabby's, Geoff and the kids set some of our nets and came back with their catch of five, (we won't be exceeding the 200 daily Yabby limit) we boiled them up in billy and enjoyed them for breaky. Too yum.

The brave members of the family dunked themselves in the water for a swim, Marley being one of them - yep you maybe surprised but she went for a swim with Geoff, The water was only about 14 degrees. Rest of us were too chicken.

We've explored the place with a few bush walks covering quite a few kilometers, causing some of the smaller members of the family to have aching legs at the end of the day, and during the bush walk. Time to move on though, we are off to Mudgee to stock up on groceries, wash some clothes and to have a shower (oooooh I am looking forward to that!!!)

Stay tuned.
Missing you all


  1. I am so excited reading this post. The Smith's journey has begun so beautiful makes me a tad teary.Look forward to following your adventures. Enjoy that hot shower who knows when you will get another. Love the way you write lizz feels like I am just having a chat with you over a cuppa. XXX

  2. Hey Smiths so excited to get an update already, and am sooo looking forward to reading more on your adventure, you make it like reading a book that you can't wait to turn the page to find out what happens next! Keep those fingers tapping :-)

  3. Ahh, Dunn's Swamp. Beautiful place. I could see myself back there. The pit toilets though...was trying to forget about them. May great weather go with you all. %]

  4. We already knew Marley was brave and adventurous, when she paddled down the Kangaroo Valley River WITH ADAM! and jumped off the rope swing .... come on the rest of the Smiths, lake Jindabyne is only 18 degrees at the moment and Brian went water skiing last weekend. Love the travel blog. So looking forward to the next instalment. Keep having fun. The Robinsons

  5. Love your little blog site lizzy, great work.Enjoyed reading about your journey thus far and can't wait for the next installment! Such a wonderful experience for the whole family, we would like to do it too one day (when the kids are a bit older!).
    Love the Leighton's.xo

  6. great site Smithy's..cold and not a lot going on here, apart from Meryls new book club tonight! Have a lovely Mothers Day & keep on keepin impressed/jealous!
    Lots love & hot showers a plenty
    Ali, Nick and girls xx
    p.s missed you at step!

  7. Thanks for the update you Smiths! Sounds great and some of those meals had our mouths watering!!! Travel are in our thoughts daily.
    Luv ya's
    The Mallams xx

  8. Oh my have so given me the travel bug (again). Please keep us updated on all your travels and we'll pretend that we are enjoying your journey with you. I have no idea where Dunns Swamp is, as we are from the coast and we holiday the coast, but it sounds like an awesome place. Have you learnt all about the Wollemi Pine? Craig just asked me to ask you - are all those excavators supposed to be working on your land???? I think he is just kidding. Have a great trip and lots of big hugs and kisses (and Sarah sends a special hug to Ben) Love The Sibleys. XXXXX
